We’re agronomists and we’ve spent a decade joining forces with farmers to improve their soil health. Healthy soils increase biodiversity, water-holding capacity, and carbon sequestration while improving the farmers’ productivity, resilience, and profits. A viable food system requires that we change our collective relationship with nature. As stewards of 40% of land on Earth, farmers are in a unique position to help us achieve exactly that. We empower them by monetising the ecosystem services of their farms and connecting them with companies committed to rebalancing our food and fibre systems.

Over the three years of our certification programme, more than 1,000 farmers have engaged in the Soil Capital Carbon programme spread across 290,000 ha. The first two groups of farmers have already sequestered over 156,000 tonnes of carbon in the soil and have been rewarded with a total of 4.2 million euros. We engage as many companies as possible in the fight against climate change by supporting regenerative agriculture. Our main clients are ag-food companies and agriculture traders/co-operatives. We operate our services in France, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.